The Best 3 Types of Basement Waterproofing – Details and Methods
The best 3 types of basement tanking solution available.
Waterproofing is very important for any home, especially if you have a basement or cellar that you want to occupy and enjoy as part of your livable space. A way to make sure your basement is sealed to keep water out is through a process called basement tanking. When you are considering basement tanking, there are only 3 types of solutions available available to you according to the experts at Diligent Developments.
Three types of basement tanking available
The three types of waterproofing materials for basements include cementitious, bituminous coating or membrane, and liquid or polyurethane liquid membrane. In addition to these methods, you will need a good drainage system in place that removes the water away from your home’s foundation and drains it into a sump pit or pumps it away. Following is more detailed information about waterproofing materials and methods for your basement.
Choose from three popular methods of waterproofing.
Cementitious method
One of the types of basement waterproofing or cellars is the cementitious method. This is done easiest during the original construction of the home with materials readily available from masonry product suppliers. The cementitious mixture is easy for professional builders to prepare by mixing and then applying. It is also used on interior areas that are most likely to be exposed to water, such as around toilets. It is applied as a rigid or semi-flexible waterproofing type. Besides homes and basements, this type of basement waterproofing is also used on structures such as bridges, tunnels, railway and subway systems, water or sewage treatment plants, locks and dams, and other marine docks and ports or in parking lots and garages. So, it is very effective for keeping water out.
Liquid membrane method
Another one of the popular types of basement waterproofing membranes is liquid or polyurethane liquid. It is a thin coating that usually involves a coat of primer followed by two top coats applied with a roller, a sprayer, a brush, or a trowel. This method offers a great deal of flexibility making it ideal for extreme temperature exposure on exterior home use. Once the liquid is applied, it cures into a rubbery coating that affixes to the wall or floor. The durability and longevity will depend upon what type of polymer the manufacturer uses in the formula.
Polyurethane liquid membrane is another way to waterproof, but can become rather costly. It does offer higher flexibility but is extremely sensitive to moisture which could cause some peeling as time goes by, especially if the surface was not properly cleaned and dried before the polyurethane liquid membrane was applied.
Bituminous coating or membrane method
Another type of basement waterproofing includes using a bituminous coating. It is a flexible protective coat against water.
Sometimes this kind of waterproofing is called asphalt coating. It forms a fantastic protective coating as a waterproofing agent especially on concrete foundation surfaces. One word of caution is that it is not intended to be exposed to direct sunlight as it will become brittle. Besides, or in addition to the coating, another form of bituminous waterproofing is to use a bituminous membrane wrap. This membrane comes in large rolled up sheets.
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Dangers of water logging
Sometimes water builds up around the outside of the basement walls and becomes water logged. Water logging poses a huge problem since the pressure can get so great that wetness begins to seep through the walls. If there is nowhere for the water to drain, it will continue until even worse problems develop. Before any type of basement waterproofing can be applied, you must first make sure your walls are not in danger of collapse and are solid and smooth for whatever method you decide on to work with.
Drainage is part of waterproofing
Regardless of the type of waterproofing you select for your basement, creating a way for future water exposure to drain and run off away from the walls of your home is important. All basements need a way to drain off water to keep it from entering the lower level. Some construction requires a trench style drain or pump. For shallow foundations, a drain is adequate. For coarse or porous rock based soil, a deep well construction may be better. A basic foundation drainage system typically uses perforated pipes, set within layers of gravel, that run along the perimeter of the foundation till it opens up into an outlet or into a sump pit where it can be pumped off and away.
Other considerations in basement waterproofing
Essentially, you can waterproof from the inside or from the outside. Ideally, both types of basement waterproofing will be used during the initial construction process of the house. If your home was built years ago or the attempt at keeping water out fails, it’s time to take extra precautions now before damage ensues. Not only is there the possibility of rain gathering around the walls and entering the home through the lower level, but moisture from the ground itself naturally seeps wetness into the walls as well. Ideally, you will protect your basement from both the positive side and the negative side of water exposure and pressure.
Positive Method
Additional considerations in basement waterproofing is positive waterproofing. Technically speaking, this means the application of the solution is done on the same side of hydrostatic pressure. Another way to explain the positive side is to refer to as the external side of your walls. This method surrounds the perimeters of the building, dug about one metre deep. Solution is applied to keep water out.
Negative method
Opposite of the positive method is the negative method. Technically speaking, this means that the waterproofing application is done on the opposite side of the water pressure, or the inside interior. There are many products available that make basemenet waterproofing from the negative side cost-effective. The material used must bond well with the building materials, even when it is wet. It also must be able to withstand expansion and contraction of the building.
Patching cracks
Another stop-gap type of basement tanking is to inject a special grout into cracks to attempt to stop the damage and prevent future water from seeping through. The grout used is a liquid based material and is injected into the open cracks. This grout instantly bonds to the walls through the vein system of the cracks and repels water, durably and strongly resisting hydrostatic pressure.
Protect your foundation
The foundation of your home is of vital importance. The weight of your entire home’s structure rests on it. If this foundation is slowly wasting away due to dampness and water logging, mould will begin to form, termites will move in to destroy dampened wood, and the entire building will not only begin to fail and lose value, but will also become a dangerous place to dwell.
Are you considering basement tanking with waterproofing materials for basements and methods and types of basement waterproofing? Follow these three types of solutions available to you as you learn how basement waterproofing works on your basement construction according to the experts at Diligent Developments.
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